The guys start the show off discussing whether or not Lake Tahoe is really a well known American attraction. Also, where are some good places to take your significant other to?...Then the guys get into some new music! Did #RichTheKid go 2/2 with the release of #TheWorldisYour2? The answer might shock some of your guys. Did #Nav deliver his good habits on #BadHabits or has he simply become a lazy artist? Is Logic back with a vengeance on his newest track called #ConfessionsofaDangerousMind and will the #DMV ever embrace his existence? Did the #KingofRnB drop yet another banger with his #LilBaby assisted track called #YourPeace? The guys have mixed reviews on #SchoolboyQ’s #NumbNumbJuice track! WTF does that mean anyway? Lol. Does #IggyAzalea’s newest track called #SallyWaker, remind you of #Money by #CardiB, that your student loans payments are due or both...and is #SummerWalker playing a prank on us with her latest release of #INeedSomeMoney? The guys answer all of these questions and discuss so much more! #musicreview #illadvisedwiseguys #DreamVizionNetwork